What is a creative entrepreneur?
Not sure if you’re in the right place? Here’s who I work with.
I use the term creative entrepreneur to call in my favorite clients to work with. But that’s because my favorite people to work with do so many freaking things! You can be a hard to define bunch which makes me like you even more.
But here’s the ground rule—
Even if you identify as something completely different, the person I work with does these two things for sure:
Creates something that didn’t exist before
and does it for profit.
At its core, a creative entrepreneur is an individual who combines artistic vision with business acumen to forge unique paths in the marketplace. That’s a fancy way of saying you do your own damn thing. You are the dreamers who turn their passions into profit. Innovators who blend creativity with strategic thinking to create something truly impactful.
See if any of these coincide with what you know to be true about yourself:
Visionary Thinker: Creative entrepreneurs see opportunities where others might see obstacles. You possess a knack for spotting trends and envisioning possibilities that break away from conventional molds. A true futurist.
Obsessed: Your work is fueled by a deep passion for your craft. This passion helps you side step challenges and drives your relentless pursuit of birthing something new into the world. You will figure this out one way or another.
Innovative Approach: You’re not just a creator; you're a problem-solver. You do things in a way that people might question. This sets you apart from people in a similar orbit as you.
Business Savvy: Beyond your artistic skills, creative entrepreneurs understand the importance of strategy. You navigate the complexities of marketing, finance, and operations with the same skill you apply to your creative processes.
Resilience and Adaptability: There is no blueprint for a creative entrepreneur. You are learning to be resilient and adaptable, ready to pivot and persevere through ups and downs as you go. Even if you’ve never done it before.
If these resonate with you, then I’m talking to you babe.
Now you might think you have to have a profession in the arts. Or at least entertainment or media. That's a big ‘ol nope!
In FINISHIT, it’s not about what you do, it’s about how you do it.
That includes Office Managers that are coming up with exciting ways to pass down exceptional customer service.
It’s for accountants that are creating courses to help entrepreneurs understand their finances better.
Business owners that are disrupting age old industries.
It’s for side-hustlers, solopreneurs, and people with full time jobs that are carving out a creative outlet.
It’s you.
In FINISHIT, it’s not about what you do, it’s about how you do it.
And whenever you’re ready — I’m ready too.
Here’s how I can help ya:
Need to get unstuck and create your website, market the shit out of your offer, and get other people to understand what you’re selling? Schedule a consult call.
Waiting for the perfect time to create that course? Having a hard time getting into and out of creative flow? Keep getting sucked into mundane life and leaving your creative pursuits to rot in a Google Drive graveyard? Can’t move past the idea phase? Schedule a consult call.
Curious about your FINISHIT DNA? Take the Quiz here and find out how you can harness your innate energetic advantage and psychological triggers to FINISH what you start Every.Single.Time.