your creative project done
in 90 days

getting started isn’t the hard part. it’s time to finishit.
It sounds so damn simple
Just do what you say you’re going to do. Right?
It’s so easy when you have the step-by-step blueprint you bought from an internet marketer with a bazillion podcast episodes and a slick social media full of mid-laugh “life is fucking hilarious when you’re this rich”, open mouthed smiles.
No matter what you’re being sold, you forgot to sell yourself on one thing:
We don’t have the same amount of energy.
Get this: The average person spends 90,000 hours at work over their life time. And then you have to go home and make dinner?!
If you keep putting your creative side hustle on the back burner until life calms down, taking a nap before you can bring yourself to get started, decompressing from your current life before you can even imagine a new one, and continually overthinking while consistently underearning…
You’re wasting your time.
90 THOUSAND hours of it, to be exact.
You’re a creative person, which means your most valuable asset is yourself.
But in true cosmic joke fashion, you are also your biggest liability.
Ha… ha?
(The Universe is hilarious like that.)
So let’s stop the “I don’t have enough time to get shit done” routine you’ve been conditioned to cycle in and choose the path toward strategic creativity instead.
Understanding your energetic ebbs and flows, cycles and patterns or NOT can mean the difference between writing the book, creating the course, launching the business, finishing the painting OR another stretch of endless weeks that turn into months that slide into years, at an unfulfilling job that leaves you burnt out, stuck, and empty.
It’s time to use YOURSELF as the blueprint.
Launch the YouTube Channel, Launch the Podcast, Write the Book, Paint the Canvas, Sell the Art, Create the Shop, Launch the Business,
Launch the YouTube Channel, Launch the Podcast, Write the Book, Paint the Canvas, Sell the Art, Create the Shop, Launch the Business,
I’ll give you the Creative Flow Framework and the coaching to make it work for you so you can finally FINISHIT.